Workers Circle Presents Brazilian Yiddish Songs

The Workers Circle

Date: Sep 27th

"Yiddish singing has been one of the common bonds that Jewish immigrants to Brazil chose to stick to their roots," wrote Professor Sonia Gousinsky. Join the Workers Circle to explore the brightest stars of Brazilian Yiddish song through a variety of resources spanning archival 1950s recordings to contemporary music videos. Alex Minkin, visual anthropologist and director of Ticun Brasil (, will moderate live conversation in Yiddish with Sao Paulo's Tradicie choir director Hugueta Sendaz (born in Lodz, Poland in 1926), anthropologist Ernesto Mifano Hönigsberg (grandson of maestro Ernesto Hönigsberg), Brazilian Yiddish teacher Gustavo Emos, and Yiddish activist Clara Greif.

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Ticket Price: $0.00

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When: September 27th

Time: 07:00 pm

End Time: 08:00 pm

Price Range: Free